What were the bones that you cast over one year ago? The bones of your dreams, plans or intentions? Let’s call them back! Perhaps, as they went running into the wild of dreamtime, those bones took on new form, and now they will be filled with the marrow of new information to usher you forth into a new time! We have been worked and reconfigured during this pandemic time, and now it is time to reshape our dreams in order to mirror the transformational time we inhabit.
I will hold a Call Back the Bones online journey class on Friday, May 14th from 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm. The event is a suggested donation of $20 – $40 and will be a good chance to brush off the covid cobwebs and begin anew. Please register here. You’ll receive a zoom link once you’ve registered.
Exciting News:
The spaces on the land here on Vashon are being prepared for you. After this year where all of us have had to put our dreams and plans on hold, I am preparing to soon receive my clients and students, friends and family, back into this physical space, after placing a hold on all workshops and community events for so long. The yurt, pathways and gardens are waiting for you.
What dreams and plans were shelved for you this year? How did you deal with disappointment? Did you lose loved ones or support those who did? What did you learn from slowing down, being quieter than usual, being still? Do you think we were all asked to surrender for a reason? What dreams and plans are being hatched now? What contribution can you make to this changing world, large or small?
As we transition into activity, we remember that all transition contains chaos and at the least, a bit of anxiety. How can we be gentle with ourselves as we re-enter the world of social life, work, and familial activities while still retaining some of the quiet we sustained during covid? How can we continue to be in good self-care while the urge to rush forth into gathering places, restaurants, and friends call us out of hiding?
I suggest a slow re-entry, by beginning each day with a meditation or contemplative practice. A stroll in nature, saying hello to the flowering trees, or a brisk walk during the sunset can keep us feeling renewed and refreshed. Poetry, fresh healthy food, an in-person visit with a hugging friend can help to maintain equilibrium while we navigate back into contact with others and a more active life. Please stay safe, and be well.
Call Back the Bones - online journey workshops:
Friday, May 14th, 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Mitote, Toltec Dreaming Ceremony Weekend Retreat
This is set for August 6, 7, 8th. Details coming soon!
Mugoux Varra and I will be facilitating a rich, deep, and wonderful weekend. We will be starting on Friday night this year, giving us more time to relax, socialize, dream and languish in the transformational energy of the Mitote. IN PERSON!
Sacred Journey to Teotihuacan, Mexico
This is scheduled for March - April 2022 (To be announced soon).
Free Summer Solstice Fire Ceremony
Will be held on June 21 at 8:00 pm on Vashon Island.
Dreaming/Vision Circle
Anyone interested in a Dreaming/Vision Circle? The dreaming/vision circle will take place twice a month. Participants will learn to do shamanic journey, and dream work, through drumming, rattling and dancing.
The beginning intention is to re-imagine our ‘becoming’ as we usher into a new time. This is an in-person class on Vashon, with a virtual option. Please contact me if you are interested.
Psychedelic Integration Therapy
I have recently added the title of certified psychedelic integration therapist to my roster of treatments. If you or anyone you know needs help integrating a psychedelic experience or is planning a journey and wants to schedule support around their journey please contact me via email.